Friday, June 1, 2012

Let's Talk About A Few Things: An Intro By Pa Fulton

I look forward to a similar scene in our pantry this fall.
When people find out I live on a sustainable living farm, they often ask me if I'm, "One of those "Doomsday Prepper"people?" So I thought about it. Am I a Doomsday Prepper? I did some research on these peculiar people hoping to find some common threads to understand where they were coming from and how close to them I stood.

The thickest thread seems to be the belief that something major will happen to shake-up and threaten the welfare and security of themselves and their loved ones. Everyone is getting ready for something: The inevitable Chinese invasion, the collapse of all society as we know it, global warming, shifting poles, the Mayan Apocalypse...what have you. I believe...drum roll happens, worlds change, societies collapse and rebuild, people live and people die. I, personally, don't want to see my loved ones forced into a survival situation because of any reliance on a system that can fail them (Like an unrealistic reliance on the supply lines currently in place...ahem).

I believe that the world will continue and evolve and I believe we, as a race, are being given a chance to evolve with it. So we will grow and manufacture the things required to feed, clothe, and house ourselves. We can control our food chain and power generation by combining technology with the ideas and methods of sustainable living and farming. By default, we will live more healthy and more productive lives while taking the power of choice back as well. 

So my attitude is this: Conspiracy theories come and go, political unrest and poverty are on the rise...but not here. Our lifestyle choices are increasing our quality of life in ways we could never have foreseen. We have already won. This is a piece of mind I was never able to attain after 20 years of "corporate success". Maybe this makes me and my family Doomsday Preppers...maybe it just makes us prepared. 

Now for something completely different...

Potato Mounds

My plot has the following up & sprouted as of June 1:
Red, Yukon Gold & Russet Potatoes
Red & White Onions

Potato Starts

Planting first week of June:
Sweet Corn, Cantaloupe, Jack-o-Lantern Pumpkins and Sunflowers (for seeds).

   Until next time,



  1. Am anxiously awaiting more entries!!!

  2. This is great! Lots of fun reading. Ma Fulton, you look so amazing! Love and miss you!

  3. Thanks for your kind words everyone!
