Friday, June 29, 2012

First Harvest!

A bouquet of green.
Most varieties of lettuce can be planted from the early spring (as soon as the ground can be worked) into the early fall. The advantage of planting at several stages throughout this long growing season, is a continuos lettuce harvest all summer long! I have been cutting from the leaf lettuce varieties (Rouge d'Hiver & Valimine) for a week or two already, and it has been tasting DELICIOUS!!! Tuesday night, though, was my first time harvesting a whole plant. One of the heads of Matchless was looking so crisp and tasty, we decided we had to have a taste!

Two of my star performers.
Everything else is pluggin' along like champs! The tomatoes sustained quite a shock when they were transplanted into high winds but, as you can see by the pics, they held on and are starting to produce fruit!

6 pumpkin mounds with 6 seeds each.

The second week in June I was finally able to get my Connecticut Pumpkins (for pie...mmmmm) and Dragons Tongue Beans in the ground. They sprouted a few days ago and they are just going crazy! I was really happy to have a seed that needed to be planted in mounds...I was starting to feel left out.

My hot peppers are still unimpressive, but not dying (so I got that going for me), but I lost my only bell pepper to the deer last night so...I don't want to talk about it.

Go, spinach, go!
The spinach is coming along nicely, slow but steady. I can't wait to see what these beauties will look like at their full height of up to 24"!

The broccoli down the left row is much bigger than
any of the other rows. 
The Purple Peacock Broccoli in the greenhouse is flourishing also. There is a lot of variety in the size of the plants, even though they all seemed to sprout close to the same time. Instead of letting this worry me, I'm just excited to get a bit of a continuos harvest opportunity. My major anxiety about when we start harvesting everything, is that we will be overwhelmed with produce to the point where we cant eat it, or get rid of it fast enough. Knowing that I, at least, won't have a mountain of broccoli all at once is definitely a comfort:)

I'll leave you with another glamour shot of my lettuce;).


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